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This, the 3rd edition of Ensembles for Guitar – Music for Beginners, is a new publication featuring some repertoire pieces not previously published, as well as ‘refreshed’ arrangements of material from the earlier editions. It is an 80 page book of guitar Ensemble material containing 12 titles with full scores and individual parts - see Preview of Contents.
Listen to a Performance of Fiesta, by the Churchlands Junior Guitar Ensemble
The pieces are designed to be inclusive as possible, despite the limited fretboard knowledge that beginners may possess – participation is there for students with various degrees of fretboard knowledge. Fretboard and chord diagrams have been included to assist the teaching of notation in the 1st position across six strings, and the application of chord formations used in the arrangements
Watch a Performance of Fiesta, by the Churchlands Junior Guitar Ensemble
Ensembles for Guitar 3rd edition
See a Preview of this book: